Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blog update. So I have been busy and lazy about posting on the blog here. I am going to try and fix that. I have been doing stuff elsewhere which I will include here. For example I have a YouTube channel that I upload videos to. Most of these are game related videos. Recently I have been in two episodes of Frogpants TV. Which can be seen at http://frogpants.com/tv/. I was in episode 1 and the newest one. I will also be in the next two episodes.

Other things I have been up too. I continue to go to Rage Fitness. www.ragefit.org I also work on that website for the trainer Kenny. Currently working on adding a store to his website so people will be able to buy gear and supplements. I am down a total of 9 pounds.

So those are a few of the things I have been up to in my spare time. Until next time.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Rage Fitness Boot Camp

BOOT CAMP High intensity, resistance training at a cardiovascular pace. Military type exercises to tone, burn fat and build a strong cardiovascular system while challenging your physical and mental capabilities. 5 week class with personalized nutrition help. Measurements are taken to prove your success! Classes at held Mon-Thur... 4 workouts a WEEK! This is were most people start at RAGE FITNESS.
I just started this on Monday. After two days I am pretty sore. Can't wait to get to the point where it doesn't hurt as much. I know it will and should hurt some. My body is hopefully starting to get use to these workouts. It is hard but I am happy with the class so far. I think this will help me get me going in the right direction.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I am having one of those days. I anything to workout I can't concentrate. My desire level is a little low as well. So I almost feel like this picture.

I decided to take a break and write this. I made this picture a while ago on my iPad. It made me laugh so I kept it.

Ever have lots of ideas but haven't got the energy or desire to act on those ideas? I have. A lot. Now my task is to find a way to act on these good ideas.

What do you do to get yourself to act on your ideas?