Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Reply to Natalya

Hello Natalya,
Sorry to hear about your fire. Kids shouldn't play with matches. I am doing ok. So I thought I would send you this internet. Things are crazy, losing all my money. It is hard to live on so little. Though you probably understand. I went to Las Vegas and put all my money on red and it landed on balck. So I lost everything. I barely had enough gas to get home. Well now I too live on the streets untill I can save enough funds to buy a sleeping bag. I do enjoy the food shelters, they provide some warm food. And the people on the streets are friendly. I met a guy named toothless Tom the other day. He had some interesting stories to tell. The one where he got beat up and thrown from a train with his mother, was crazy to hear about. Then there was this time when Tom found a ring and all the other homeless people were trying to fight him for it. He ended having to sneak through the streets and finally sale it at a pawn shop. He really liked that ring though. He said it had magic powers, but I am not sure I beleive that. Well my time is nearly up here at the internet place. I hope you are doing well. Send me an internet when you get a chance. Say Hi to your girlfriend too. Can you send her picture too? Talk to you again soon. -Scott

So I was trying to be funny and make stuff up to see what kind of response I got. It shall be interesting to see what happens.

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